A voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Glubbdubdrib and Japan
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Back in England, Gulliver once more was unable to resist the urge to be on the move, and set out on a voyage again. This time his ship was taken by pirates who turned him adrift in a canoe. He reached the island of Laputa, which floated in the air above the island of Balnibarbi. The King of Laputa kept the Balnibarbians in submission by depriving them of sunlight and rain whenever they rebelled. Laputa was inhabited by people whose sole interests in life were mathematics and music. They were so deeply absorbed in mathematical speculations that they forgot all about the practical aspects of life. The ideas and conceptions of the 'inventors' were so impossible that the craftsmen could never make them.
Gulliver also observed that all people of high standing has a servant who carried a bladder filled with small pebbles. With these bladders they now and then flapped the mouths and ears of those who stood near them. He learned that the minds of the people were so taken up with intense speculations, that they neither could speak nor listen to others without being roused in this manner. When he for the first time visited the king, he had to wait an hour before the king, who was then deep into a problem, could be roused by flappers. The food served such as mutton and steak was also cut into the shape of geometric figures.
Their houses are very ill built, the walls bevil, without one right angle in any apartment; and this is the result of the contempt they bear for practical geometry. And although they are dextrous enough on a piece of paper, in the management of the rule, the pencil and the divider, they are the clumsiest people Gulliver had ever seen in the practical life. They are bad reasoners, and given to opposition 'unless they happen to be of the right opinion, which is seldom their case.' They are complete strangers to imagination, fancy and invention, nor do they have any words in their language by which those ideas can be expressed. 'The whole compass of their thoughts and mind, being shut up within the two forementioned sciences'.After some time Gulliver obtained permission to visit Balnibarni, where he was welcomed to the great Academy of Projectors, an institution which promoted the craziest and most impractical inventions imaginable such as making sunlight from cucumbers and softening marble for the manufacture of pillows. On Glubbdubdrib, the island of sorcerers, Gulliver's host by means of magic enabled him to speak with the great men of ancient and modern times. These conversations convinced Gulliver that the human race had terribly degenerated in the course of the centuries. Next Gulliver travelled to Luggnagg, where occasionally people were born who never died. He expected them to be wise and happy old patriarchs but found instead that they were peevish, vain, talkative and egoistic. They grew weak in mind and body and were universally hated, so that on Lugnagg people had fear of death.
Bon voyage .....
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